Hello world!

Finally I decided to create my own website. This is my first try alone, so don’t judge harshly.

I will be uploading some pictures that won’t be presented elsewhere but will give you a first impression.

Below is some info about me:

Anna Moxx, a multinational (primarily Canadian:) artist who lives and works in Germany and Italy, prints her pictures on recycled foam and plastic as part of her effort to make the world around us a better place. She is concerned with ecological issues and is planning to make her pictures completely biodegradable. In this way if you ever decide to throw her picture away, a rose bush or forget-me-nots will grow near your house.

If any of you have ideas how to put in seeds in the foam before printing, Anna would be grateful for your suggestions at annamoxx (at) gmx.de

And you can follow me on instagram   https://www.instagram.com/annamoxxart/



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